Instituto Cubano del Arte e Industrias Cinematográficos Studio Directory -English: Cuban Institute of Cinematographic Art and Industry

Instituto Cubano del Arte e Industrias Cinematográficos Studio Logo

English Studio Title: Cuban Institute of Cinematographic Art and Industry

Founded by Julio García Espinosa, Alfredo Guevara and Santiago Álvarez for the Cuban government in March 1959. The ICAIC is an organization of a film industry to produce, distribute and exhibit films and related work following the Cuban Revolution. The aim of the ICAIC is to use film as a powerful mass communication medium to mobilize and educate people, improve the quality level of Cuba films with appreciation among the masses and reach a wide public.

Instituto Cubano del Arte Instituto Cubano del Arte e Industrias Cinematográficos is based in Havana, Cuba.

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Instituto Cubano del Arte e Industrias Cinematográficos Studio Directory Cartoon Series:

  (2005, 9 Theatrical Films.)

  (1979, 3 Theatrical Films.)

  (2005 – 2007, 5 Theatrical Films.)

  (1980 – 2008, 47 Theatrical Films.)

  (1966 – 1967, 2 Theatrical Films.)

  (2002, 13 Theatrical Films.)

  (2001 – 2005, 50 Theatrical Films.)

  (1986 – 1988, 6 Theatrical Films.)