GoodTimes Entertainment Studio Directory

GoodTimes Entertainment Studio Logo
Founded in 1984 as GoodTimes Home Video by Kenneth Cayre, Joseph Cayre and Stanley Cayre, sometimes referred to as the Cayre Brothers. The brothers started off distributing copies of various public domain animation titles on home video. The company gained momentum when it began distributing series of low-budget traditionally animated films from companies such as Diane Eskenazi's Golden Films, Jetlag Productions, and, finally, their own Blye Migicovsky Productions, as well a selection of the now-public domain works of Burbank Films Australia.

In 1993, Walt Disney Pictures sued GoodTimes because of the close similarity between GoodTimes and Disney's animated films. After losing the lawsuit, GoodTimes was required to print its name atop its VHS covers, but was still allowed to produce animated films.

The company filed for bankruptcy and closed in 2005.

GoodTimes Ent GoodTimes Entertainment was based in U.S.A..

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GoodTimes Entertainment Studio Directory Cartoon Series:

Golden Films   (1992, 42 Cartoons.)
Jetlag Productions   (1990 – 1996, 146 Cartoons.)
  (1989 – 1997, 14 Cartoons.)