Derutora Kuesuto Episode Guide -DENTSU -Alternate: Deltora Quest

Derutora Kuesuto Episode Guide Logo

Alternate Series Title: Deltora Quest

The evil Shadow Lord has taken over the kingdom... and only three people can save it. Lief, Jasmine and Barda have nothing in common- and everything to lose. They must embark on a perilous quest to recapture the seven lost gems of the magic belt of Deltora. Only when the belt is complete once more can the evil Shadow Lord be overthrown and the people of Deltora be free from tyranny.

Deltora is a land of magic, monsters and danger. Each gem in the belt of Deltora has its own magic, but together, the seven make a spell that is far more powerful than the sum of its parts. Only the Belt of Deltora, complete as it was first fashioned by Adin and worn by Adin's true heir, has the power to defeat the Shadow Lord.


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